S03 E07: Meet Chris Judge, owner of @ADaily_Cloud, illustrator, artist and most importantly Dad

Today is a very special episode and full disclosure it is a little emotional. We meet children’s author and illustrator Chris Judge. He is also the creator of @ADaily_Cloud on Twitter and Instagram which is where we fell in love with his work. His artwork is also peppered across Dublin with illustrations that capture so much love and imagination.
If you haven't come across his @ADaily_Cloud on Twitter or Instagram you need to look him up for a few moments of simple and pure joy every day. We are privileged that Chris shares with us the story of Juno his daughter and inspiration behind his cloud pictures.
It is also our one year anniversary as podcast hosts and this episode is a reminder of why the weather is such a source of joy and pleasure to so many people. We are so grateful to those who have given us their time listening and to all our wonderful guests. .
We hope as always you leave this episode loving the weather just a little bit more.
(P.S. Apologies for Aisling's sound quality. It was a tricky day to do a recording!)

S03 E08: Meet Paul Gundersen. Chief Meteorologist with the Met Office


S03 E06: Meet Doug the Builder as he talks about the past, present and future of building